
Ricotta, Homemade

Chef Andrew Isabella (No. 246), recommends first making your own ricotta when creating his Ricotta Fritters.

Yields: 1 quart


• 1 gallon whole milk
• 1 quart heavy cream
• 1/2 gallon buttermilk
• 3 tablespoons sea salt
• 1/4 cup white distilled vinegar


large sauce pot, cheese cloth, colander, bowl


1. Heat the milk to about 170º on medium low heat. Add heavy cream and bring to about 170º.

2. Once it creates small bubbles on top, slowly add: buttermilk, salt and vinegar. The dairy will start to curdle. Cook until whey and cheese completely separate.

3. Pull off the heat and strain over cheese cloth. Once the ricotta dies, cool in the refrigerator and use as desired.